COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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- 36 -The Playback MenuIn addition to some of the camera settingsdiscussed above, the playback menu offersoptions for deleting multiple images, creatingslide shows, protecting photographs from de le-tion, and hiding photographs during playback.It also includes options for setting up photosfor printing on suitably equipped printers.To display the playback menu, turn the mode dial to PLAY andpress the MENU button. The following options are available:DELETEDelete selected photographs or all photographs in memory,or choose a folder for deletion. You can also delete printerinformation files created with the PRINT SET option.FOLDERSChoose a folder for playback, create new folders, or renameor delete existing folders.SLIDESHOWAllows automatic sequential playback of all photos visible inthe current folder.PROTECTProtects selected photographs from deletion.HIDE IMAGE"Hides" selected images, preventing them from being viewedduring playback.PRINT SETPrepares photographs for printing.SET UPThe playback setup menu providesaccess to the following settings:LCD BRIGHT (LCD Brightness):Adjusts the brightness of the LCDmonitor. See "The Camera Menus:The A-REC Menu," above.CONTROLS: By default, the button is used to move thehighlight bar down through the menus, the button tomove it up. This option can be used to reverse thisrelationship, as described below.AUTO OFF: When operated on battery power, thecamera automatically enters sleep mode if no operations areperformed for thirty seconds. This option can be used toextend this limit for playback as described in "The CameraMenus: The A-REC menu," above.CARDFORMAT (Card Format): Formats memory cardsfor use in the COOLPIX 800. See "The Camera Menus: TheA-REC Menu," above.DATE: Set the camera's internal clock-calendar as de-scribed in "First Steps: Setting the Time and Date," above.LANGUAGE: Offers a choice of languages for cameramenus and messages. Refer to "First Steps: Choosing aLanguage," above.The Camera Menus: The Playback MenuPLAY BACKSLIDESHOWPROTECTPRINT SETSET UPDELETEHIDE IMAGEFOLDERSSET➔SHUTTERBKSET UPCONTROLSAUTO OFFCARD F ORMATLANGUAGEDATEBKLCD BRIGHT0