COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 40 -4 To pause the slide show, press the shut-ter-release button. The slide show willpause and the window shown at right willbe displayed. You can restart the slideshow by selecting RESTART, choose anew frame interval with FRAME INTVL,or select BK to stop the slide show andreturn to playback mode.5 When the slide show finishes, the pause window shown in Step4 will be displayed. Highlight RESTART and press the shutter-release button to begin the slide show from the beginning, orpress the MENU button to return to playback mode.To halt the slide show while it is in progress and return to playbackmode, press the MENU button.Protecting Photographs from DeletionPhotographs stored on the memory card can be protected fromdeletion using the PROTECT option in the playback menu.Protected files can not be deleted using the button or theDELETE-SELECTED or DELETE-ALL options (protected fileswill be deleted when the card is formatted).Follow these steps to change the protect status of photographs inthe current folder:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightPROTECT in the playback menu andpress the shutter-release button. A menua thumbnail previews showing the imagesin the current folder will be displayed.2 Using the zoom buttons (), highlight a photograph youwant to protect and press the button. The selected imagewill be marked with a icon. Images that have already beenprotected can have their unprotected status restored by high-lighting the image and pressing the button.3 Repeat Step 2 until you have selected all but one of the imagesyou want to protect.4 To complete the operation, highlight the last of the images tobe protected or restored to unprotected status, then press theshutter-release button.CONCEPTPRACTICETipIf an image is not visible in the menu of previews, use the zoom buttons() to display more thumbnails.The Camera Menus: The Playback MenuPAUSEINTVL RESTARTBK