COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 10 -First Steps: Taking Your First Photograph AUTODELETE1 IMAGEDELETEYESNOSET➔SHUTTERBKNotesDo not remove the batteries while photos are being recorded to, ordeleted from, memory.The pause and delete functions described above are only available whenphotos are taken at an image size of "full" (1,600 × 1,200 pixels).The delete dialog disappears if no action is taken for ten seconds. In thiscase the image will be saved and the camera will return to shooting mode.NoteThe camera may become warm during use, but this does not indicate amalfunction.Step 7-Check the resultsAfter a photograph has been taken, the AF/Flash indicator will blink and an hourglass icon() will be displayed in the LCD monitorwhile the photograph is recorded. Beforethe photograph is transferred to the memorycard, it will be displayed briefly in the LCDmonitor.If the photo was taken at an image-size setting of "full," you canpress the button to pause the display for ten seconds; shootingcan be resumed by pressing the button again. If you are not pleasedwith the photograph, you can delete it before it is transferred tomemory by pressing the button. Thedialog at right will be displayed; using thezoom buttons (), select YES and pressthe shutter-release button to erase the pho-tograph. To continue shooting without de-leting the photograph, select NO and pressthe shutter-release button. The photo willthen be saved to the memory card and thecamera will return to shooting mode.Step 8-Turn the camera offWhen you have finished using the camera, be sure to turn themode dial to OFF.To avoid wasting batteries, check that the camera is off beforeputting it away.