PT-LB90NTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全68ページ 8.58MB]
gizport - 2013-08-16 - 8.58MB
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68page / 8.58MB
Technical InformationAppendixENGLISH - 53Serial terminalThe serial connector which is on the connector panel of the projector conforms to the RS-232C interface specii -cations, so that the projector can be controlled by a personal computer which is connected to this connector.Connection JComputerD-Sub 9-pin (male)Serial terminal (female)Pin assignments and signal names JPin No.Signal name ContentsNCTXDTransmitted dataRXDReceived dataNCGNDEarthNCRTSConnected internallyCTSNCCommunication settings JSignal level RS-232C Character length 8 bitsSync.method Asynchronous Stop bit 1 bitBaud rate 9 600 bps X parameter NoneParity None S parameter NoneBasic format JSTXCommand:ParameterETXStart byte (02 h)1 byte3 bytes1 byte - 4 bytesEnd (03 h)The data streaming from the computer will start with STX, and proceed to Command, Parameter and end with ETX. You can add the required parameter.NoteThe projector can not receive any command for 10 seconds after the lamp is switched on. Wait for 10 seconds zbefore sending the command.If sending multiple commands, check if a response has been received from the projector for one command zbefore sending the next command.When a command which does not require parameters to be sent, the colon (:) is not required. zRemarksIf an incorrect command is sent from the personal computer, the ER401 command will be sent from the zprojector to the personal computer.