CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全13ページ 0.49MB]
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3171. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION7VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45w"Get Information"wSelect audio modeWhen Expanded Voice Commands are turned "On". (See page 314.)*: Bluetooth is a registered tr ademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Command ActionShortcut Menu"Traffic" Displays the traffic incident list. O"Weather" Displays weather information. O"Sports Scores" Displays the sports list. O"Stock Quotes" Displays the stocks list. O"Fuel Prices" Displays the fuel prices list. O"Lexus Insider" Displays the Lexus insider list. -Command ActionShortcut Menu"Radio" Sets the audio mode to radio. O"AM" Selects the AM band. O"FM" Selects the FM band. O"Satellite radio" Selects the satellite radio mode. O"Disc" Selects the disc audio mode. O"Auxiliary" Selects the auxiliary audio mode. O"Bluetooth* audio" Selects the Bluetooth(R) audio mode. O"iPod" Selects the iPod audio mode. O"USB audio" Selects the USB audio mode. O"Audio on" Turns the audio system on. O"Audio off" Turns the audio system off. O
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