CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全13ページ 0.49MB]
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3121. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:452. NATURAL SPEECH INFORMATION (ENGLISH ONLY)*: Say the desired artist name or albumname in the place of the "<>".Due to natural language speech recog-nition technology, this system enablesrecognition of a command when spokennaturally. However, the system cannotrecognize every variation of each com-mand. In some situations, it is possible toomit the command for the procedureand directly state the desired operation.Not all voice commands are displayed inthe short cut menu.INFORMATION●The "Set a Destination", "Use the Phone","Play Music" and "Get Information" com-mands displayed on the "Shortcut Menu"screen can be operated using natural lan-guage speech recognition technology.●If the command cannot be recognizedcompletely, the command input screenwill be displayed. (Search results will beshown based on the part of the commandthat was recognized.)EXPRESSION EXAMPLES FOR EACH FUNCTIONCommand Expression examples"Go Home"Let's go home.Take me home."Enter an Address"I wanna enter an ad-dress, please. Put in an address."Find Nearby <POI category>"Find nearby <Restau-rants> for me. I need to see the nearby<Restaurants>."Call <name> <type>"Get me <RobertBrown>.I need to call <RobertBrown> at <Work> rightaway."Dial <number>"Please dial the number<3334445555>.Ring <3334445555>."Play Artist <name>"Play the artist<XXXXX>. I'd like to hear the band<XXXXX>.*"Play Album <name>"Play album <XXXXX>. Music from album<XXXXX>.*
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