CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全13ページ 0.49MB]
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3091. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION7VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Press the talk switch.2 Say "Enter an address". If the destination's state/province has notbeen set or is not contained in the voicecommand recognition list, the screen toinput a state/province will be displayed. Some areas cannot be recognized by thevoice recognition system.3 Say "<city name>". Say the desired city name that belongs tothe set state in the place of the "<>". Say "Change State" to change the set voicerecognition state.4 Say "<street name>". Say the desired full street name, or mainbody of the street name that belongs to theset state in the place of the "<>". The voice command recognition isdesigned to recognize the main body of theofficial street name.For example, if the official street name is"East Main Street", the voice command rec-ognition will recognize "Main".5 Say "<house number>". Say the desired number, cardinal/intercar-dinal direction etc. in the place of the "<>".For example: Say "West 555". Inputting the house number can beskipped.6 Say "Start guidance" or "Show map". Al-ternatively, select "Start Guidance" or"Show Map". After this, follow the voice guidance andsearch for a destination route by voicecommand operation.VOICE COMMAND EXAMPLE: PERFORMING A DESTINATION SEARCH BY ADDRESS (ENGLISH ONLY) For information regarding the state/province setting to perform a destinationsearch by address, see "SELECTINGTHE SEARCH AREA" on page 70.
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