CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全13ページ 0.49MB]
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3071. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION7VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:453 Say the command displayed on thescreen. If a desired outcome is not shown, or if noselections are available, perform one of thefollowing to return to the previous screen:*Say "Go back".*Select "Go Back". To cancel voice recognition, select "Can-cel", or press and hold the talk switch. Saying "Help" prompts voice guidance tooffer examples of commands and opera-tion methods.INFORMATION●If the navigation system does not respondor the confirmation screen does not dis-appear, press the talk switch and tryagain.●If a voice command cannot be recog-nized within 6 seconds, voice guidancewill say "Pardon?" ("Command not rec-ognized." will be displayed on the screen)and voice command reception willrestart.●If a voice command cannot be recog-nized 2 consecutive times, the voicecommand guidance system will say"Paused. To restart voice recognition,push the talk switch. To cancel voice rec-ognition, push and hold the talk switch."Then voice recognition will be canceled.●The voice recognition prompt can be setto on or off when "Voice Prompts" isselected. This setting can also bechanged on the "Voice Settings" screen.(See page 64.)●When "Voice Prompts" is selected, voicerecognition will be temporarily sus-pended. Press the talk switch again.●Voice guidance can be canceled by set-ting voice prompts to off. Use this settingwhen it is desirable to say a commandimmediately after pressing the talk switchand hearing a beep.
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