HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 0.44MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS402010 HS250h Navigation from July.09 Prod.(OM75015U)When any point on the map is selected,that point moves to the center of the screenand is shown by the cursor mark (1).U1054LCUse the scroll feature to move the desiredpoint to the center of the screen for lookingat a point on the map that is different fromthe current position of the vehicle.To scroll over the map, place the pointer ina position near the desired destination andthen press and hold the ENTER button.The map will continue scrolling in that di-rection until the button is released.A street name, city name, etc. of the se-lected point will be shown, depending onthe scale of the map (2). Distance fromthe current position to will also beshown (3).After the screen is scrolled, the map re-mains centered at the selected locationuntil another function is activated. The cur-rent vehicle position mark will continue tomove along your actual route and maymove off the screen. When the MAP/VOICE button is pushed, the current ve-hicle position mark returns to the center ofthe screen and the map moves as the ve-hicle proceeds along the designated route.INFORMATIONWhen the scroll feature is used, thecurrent vehicle position mark maydisappear from the screen. Move themap with a scroll again or push theMAP/VOICE button to return to thecurrent vehicle position map locationdisplay. To set the cursor position as a des-tinationA specific point on the map can be set asa destination using the scroll function.U1055LCSelect Enter .The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See Starting routeguidance on page 89.) Screen scroll operation
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