HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 0.44MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS532010 HS250h Navigation from July.09 Prod.(OM75015U)Due to natural language speech recogni-tion technology, this system enables rec-ognition of a command when spoken natu-rally. However, the system cannotrecognize every variation of each com-mand. In some situations, it is possible toomit the command for the procedure anddirectly state the desired operation. Voice recognition top screen ex-pression examplesCommandExpression examplesGo Home Take me home.Lets go home.Destination Id like to set a des-tination.Phone Id like to make a call.I need to use thephone. Bring up the phonemenu.Audio Audio menu, please.Information Let me see the infor-mation menu. Give us the informa-tion menu, please.Command List Show me the voicecommand list. Expression examples for each func-tionIn some situations, It is possible to omit acommand for each procedure and to saythe desired operation directly.EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THEDestination SCREENNormal command recognition Destination>Point of Interest>NearHere>Gas> The gas stations near the cur-rent location will be listed.Natural speech recognition Destination> What gas stations arenearby?> The gas stations near the cur-rent location will be listed.INFORMATIONNatural speech example:Wheres the nearest Mexican restau-rant?Where is the closest ATM? Natural speechinformation (English only)
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