HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 0.44MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS512010 HS250h Navigation from July.09 Prod.(OM75015U)U1042LC2. After a beep sounds, say the com-mand of your choice.Voice commands are marked with .Some commonly used commands are dis-played on the screen. Speak the com-mands as displayed on the screen.If you want to check the all command list,say Command list to display the com-mand list screen. (See Command liston page 55.)U1043LC3. Following voice guidance, say thecommand displayed on the screen.If a desired outcome is not shown, or if nochoices are available, say Go back orselect Go Back to return to the previousscreen.To cancel voice command recognition, sayCancel, select Cancel, or push andhold the talk switch.If the navigation system does not respondor the confirmation screen does not disap-pear, please push the talk switch and tryagain.If a voice command cannot be recognizedwithin 6 seconds, the voice guidance sys-tem will say Pardon? (Command notrecognized. will be displayed on thescreen) and voice command reception willrestart.If a voice command cannot be recognizedtwo consecutive times, the voice guidancesystem will say Paused. To restart voicerecognition, push the talk switch., then besuspended.
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