APPENDIX303END USER NOTICEPLEASE READ THIS NOTICECAREFULLY BEFORE USING THISNAVIGATION SYSTEMThe Point Of Interest Data ("POI"Data) in the navigation system is inpart provided by infoUSA Inc.("infoUSA"). By using the POI Data,you accept and agree to all termsand conditions set forth below.1. OWNERSHIPAll rights, title and interest to theinfoUSA POI Data shall be retained byinfoUSA.2. LIMITATIONS ON USEExcept to the extent explicitly per-mitted by mandatory laws, you may notextract or reutilize any portion of thecontents of the POI Data, nor repro-duce, copy, modify, adapt, translate,disassemble, decompile, or reverseengineer any portion of the POI Data.3. TRANSFERYou may not transfer the POI Data tothird parties, except together with thesystem for which it was created, pro-vided that you do not retain any copy ofthe POI Data.4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYEXCEPT AS STATED HEREIN,INFOUSA MAKES NO EXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUD-ING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTYOF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OR WARRANTY OF MER-CHANTABILITY.5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYEITHER INFOUSA OR SUPPLIER OFPOI DATA SHALL NOT BE LIABLEFOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUEN-TIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGESMADE OR ALLEGED IN CONNEC-TION WITH YOUR USE OF THE POIDATA.END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTPersonal Use Only. You agree to usethis information for solely personal,non-commercial purposes, and not forservice bureau, time-sharing or othersimilar purposes. You may not modifythe information or remove any copy-right notices that appear on the infor-mation in any way. You may not de-compile, disassemble or reverse engi-neer any portion of this information,and may not transfer or distribute it inany form, for any purpose. Without lim-iting the foregoing, you may not usethis information with any products, sys-tems, or applications installed or other-wise connected to or in communicationwith vehicles, capable of vehicle navi-gation, positioning, dispatch, real timeroute guidance, fleet management orsimilar applications.No Warranty. This information is pro-vided to you "as is," and you agree touse it at your own risk. DENSO and itslicensors (and their licensors and sup-pliers, collectively "DENSO") make noguarantees, representations or war-ranties of any kind, express or implied,arising by law or otherwise, includingbut not limited to, and DENSO ex-pressly disclaims any warranties re-garding content, quality, accuracy,completeness, effectiveness, reliabil-ity, fitness for a particular purpose,non-infringement, usefulness, use orresults to be obtained from this infor-mation, or that the information or serv-er will be uninterrupted or error-free.Some states, territories and countriesdo not allow certain warranty exclu-sions, so to that extent, the above ex-clusion may not apply to you.