ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.07MB]
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APPENDIX300END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTPLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENTCAREFULLY BEFORE USING THENAVIGATION SYSTEMTHIS IS A LICENSE AGREEMENTFOR YOUR COPY OF THE SPATIALMAP DATABASE, INCLUDING LOCA-TION CODES AND RELATED PROD-UCTS (COLLECTIVELY, THE "DATA-BASE"), USED IN THE NAVIGATIONSYSTEM. BY USING THE NAVIGA-TION SYSTEM AND THE DATA-BASE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREETO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS ANDCONDITIONS SET FORTH BELOW.LICENSE GRANTDenso Corporation ("Denso"), as a li-censed distributor of the DATABASE,grants to you a non-exclusive, non-perpetual license to use your copy ofthe DATABASE for your personal useor for your use in your business' inter-nal operations and not for any otherpurpose. This license does not includethe right to grant sub-licenses.OWNERSHIPThe DATABASE and the copyrightsand intellectual property andneighboring rights therein are ownedby Tele Atlas North America, Inc.("TANA") and its licensors. ThisAgreement does not transfer any titleor interest in the DATABASE, exceptfor the license to use the DATABASEaccording and subject to the terms andconditions of this Agreement. Youshall not alter, obscure or remove anycopyright notices, trademark notices orother restrictive legends relating to theDATABASE.The DATABASE comprises confiden-tial and proprietary information andmaterials of TANA. Accordingly, youshall hold the DATABASE in confi-dence and trust. You shall take rea-sonable steps to protect the DATA-BASE from misappropriation or mis-use. You shall not extract stand-alonedata from or publish any part of the DA-TABASE without the prior written con-sent of TANA and its licensors.
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