ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.07MB]
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APPENDIX301LIMITATIONS ON USEThe DATABASE is restricted for use inthe specific system for which it wascreated. Except to the extent explicitlypermitted by mandatory laws, you maynot extract or reutilize any portion ofthe contents of the DATABASE, nor re-produce, copy, duplicate, modify,adapt, translate, disassemble, decom-pile, or reverse engineer any portion ofthe DATABASE.TRANSFERYou may not transfer the DATABASEto third parties, except together withthe system for which it was created,provided that you do not retain anycopy of the DATABASE, and providedthat the transferee agrees to all termsand conditions of this AGREEMENT.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYTHE DATABASE IS PROVIDED ONAN "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTSBASIS" AND DENSO AND TANA(AND THEIR LICENSORS AND SUP-PLIERS) EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EX-PRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGE-MENT, MERCHANTABILITY, SAT-ISFACTORY QUALITY, ACCURACY,TITLE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTIC-ULAR PURPOSE. NO ORAL ORWRITTEN ADVICE OR INFORMA-TION PROVIDED BY DENSO ORTANA (OR ANY OF THEIR LICEN-SORS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES ORTHIRD PARTY PROVIDERS) SHALLCREATE A WARRANTY, AND YOUARE NOT ENTITLED TO RELY ONANY SUCH ADVICE OR INFORMA-TION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WAR-RANTIES IS AN ESSENTIAL CON-DITION OF THIS AGREEMENT.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIN NO EVENT SHALL DENSO ORTANA (OR THEIR LICENSORS ORSUPPLIERS) BE LIABLE FOR ANYINCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EXEMPLA-RY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OFTHIS AGREEMENT OR YOUR USEOF THE DATABASE, INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROF-ITS OR COSTS OF COVER, LOSSOF USE OR BUSINESS INTERRUP-TION OR THE LIKE, REGARDLESSOF WHETHER THE PARTY WAS AD-VISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES.IN NO EVENT WILL THE TOTAL LI-ABILITY OF DENSO OR TANA (ORTHEIR LICENSORS OR SUPPLI-ERS) EXCEED THE AMOUNTS PAIDBY YOU FOR THE DATABASE.WARNINGSThe DATABASE comprises facts andinformation from government and oth-er sources reflecting circumstances inexistence before you received theDATABASE, which may contain errorsand omissions. Accordingly, the DA-TABASE may contain inaccurate or in-complete information due to the pas-sage of time, changing circumstances,and due to the nature of the sourcesused. The DATABASE does not in-clude or reflect information relating to,among other things, neighborhoodsafety; law enforcement; emergencyassistance; construction work; road orlane closures; vehicle or speed restric-tions; road slope or grade; bridgeheight, weight or other limits; road ortraffic conditions; special events; trafficcongestion; or travel time.
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