APPENDIX304Disclaimer of Liability: DENSO SHALLNOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANYCLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IR-RESPECTIVE OF ITS NATURE, AL-LEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY ORDAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, IN-DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, IN-CLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFIT,REVENUE OR CONTRACTS ARIS-ING OUT OF YOUR POSSESSION,USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THISINFORMATION, ANY DEFECT INTHE INFORMATION, OR THEBREACH OF THESE TERMS ORCONDITIONS, WHETHER IN AN AC-TION IN CONTRACT OR TORT ORBASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IFDENSO OR ITS LICENSORS HAVEBEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL-ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Somestates, territories and countries do notallow certain liability exclusions ordamages limitations, so to that extentthe above may not apply to you.Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, de-fend and hold DENSO and its licensors(including their respective licensors,suppliers, assignees, subsidiaries, af-filiated companies, and the respectiveofficers, directors, employees, share-holders, agents and representatives ofeach of them) free and harmless fromand against any liability, loss, injury (in-cluding injuries resulting in death), de-mand, action, cost, expense, or claimof any kind or character, including butnot limited to attorney's fees, arisingout of or in connection with any use orpossession by you of this information.END USER NOTICEThe marks of companies displayed bythis product to indicate business loca-tions are the marks of their respectiveowners. The use of such marks in thisproduct does not imply any sponsor-ship, approval, or endorsement bysuch companies of this product.