V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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05 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control05* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.211severely contaminated environment, it may benecessary to replace the filter more often.NOTEThere are different types of passenger com-partment filter. Make sure that the correctfilter is fitted.Clean Zone Interior Package (CZIP)*This option keeps the passenger compartmentclear of allergy and asthma inducing sub-stances. For more information on CZIP, see thebrochure included with the purchase of the car.The following is included:•An enhanced fan function that means thatthe fan starts when the car is opened withthe remote control key. The fan fills thepassenger compartment with fresh air. Thefunction starts when required and is dis-engaged automatically after a time or whenone of the passenger compartment doorsis opened. The amount of time the fan runsis reduced gradually due to reduced needup until the car is 4 years old.•The air quality system IAQS is a fully auto-matic system that cleans the air in the pas-senger compartment from contaminantssuch as particles, hydrocarbons, nitrousoxides and ground-level ozone.NOTETo keep the CZIP standard in cars with CZIPthe IAQS filter must be changed after15 000 km or once per year depending onwhichever occurs first. However, up to75 000 km over 5 years. In cars without CZIPand where the customer does not want tokeep the CZIP standard the IAQS filter mustbe changed at a regular service.Use of tested materials in the interiorequipment.The materials have been developed in order tominimise the quantity of dust in the passengercompartment and they contribute to makingthe passenger compartment easier to keepclean. The carpets in both the passenger com-partment and the cargo area are removableand easy to remove and clean. Use cleaningagents and car care products recommendedby Volvo, see page 363.Menu settingsIt is possible to activate/deactivate or changethe default settings for four of the climate con-trol system's functions via the centre console.For general information about menu naviga-tion, see page 203:•Fan speed in automatic mode*, seepage 216.•Recirculation timer for passenger com-partment air, see page 217.•Automatic rear window defrosting, seepage 104.•Air quality system IAQS*, see page 217The climate control system's functions can bereset to the default settings via the menu sys-tem in MY CAR and this is carried out under:SettingsClimate settings Resetclimate settings.Air distributionThe incoming air is divided between a numberof different vents in the passenger compart-ment.
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