V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment system Media player06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.253again, the media player starts. It is also possi-ble to pause via the menu system3, press OK/MENU, select Play/Pause .Playback and navigationCD audio discsTurn TUNE to access the disc's playlist andnavigate in the list. Use OK/MENU to confirmthe selection of the disc track and start play-back. Press EXIT to cancel and exit the playlist.A long press on EXIT leads to the playlist's rootlevel.Disc tracks can also be changed by pressingon / on the centre console or thesteering wheel keypad*.Burned discs audio/video files1Turn TUNE to access the disc's playlist/folderstructure and navigate in the list/structure. UseOK/MENU to confirm either selection of sub-folder or start of playback of the selectedaudio/video file. Press EXIT to either stop andexit the playlist or go up (back) in the folderstructure. A long press on EXIT leads to theplaylist's root level.Audio/video files can also be changed bypressing / on the centre console or thesteering wheel keypad*.Audio files have the symbol , video files1have the symbol and folders have thesymbol .When playback of a file is complete the play-back of the other files (of the same type) in thatparticular folder continues. Change4 of foldertakes place automatically when all the files inthe current folder have been played back. Thesystem automatically detects and changessetting when a disc containing only audio filesor only video files is loaded into the mediaplayer and then plays back these files. How-ever, the system does not change setting if adisc containing a mixture of audio and videofiles is loaded into the media player, but insteadthe player continues to play back the previousfile type.NOTEA video film is only shown when the car isstationary. When the car is moving at aspeed of over about 8 km/h no picture isshown and No visual media availablewhile driving appears on the displayscreen, although the audio is heard duringthis time. The picture is shown again assoon as the car's speed falls below about 6km/h.NOTESome audio files that are copy-protected byrecord companies or privately copied audiofiles cannot be loaded by the player.DVD video discs1For playback of DVD video discs, seepage 254.Fast forward/reverseHold in the buttons / to fast forward/rewind. Audio files are fast forwarded/rewoundat one speed, while video files are fast forwar-ded/rewound at several speeds. Repeatedlypress the buttons / to increase the fast3Does not apply to CD Audio1Only applies to High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.4If Repeat folder is activated then this does not take place.
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