V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment systemMedia player 06252* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.CD/DVD1 functionsCentre console control panel.Disc insert and eject slotMEDIA button, activates last active mediasource. If you are already in a media sourceand press the MEDIA button then a short-cut menu is shown for commonly usedmenu options.Disc ejectInput of numbers and letters.Select the disc tracks/folders, or navigatethrough menu options by turning TUNE.Confirm your selection or go to the menufor the selected media source by pressingOK/MENU.Fast forward/reverse and change disctrack or chapter2.The media player supports and can play thefollowing main types of discs and files:•Pre-recorded CD discs (CD Audio).•Burned CD discs with audio and/or videofiles1.•Pre-recorded DVD video discs1.•Burned DVD discs1 with audio and/or videofiles.For more information about the supported for-mats, see page 255.NOTEIf the car is equipped with a steering wheelkeypad* and/or remote control* then inmany cases these can be used instead ofthe buttons in the centre console. For adescription of the steering wheel keypad,see page 236. For a description of theremote control, see page 279.MenusThe menus inMEDIA are controlled from thecentre console and the steering wheel key-pad*. For general information on menu naviga-tion, see page 238 and menu overview, seepage 241.Starting playback of a discPress the MEDIA button, turn TUNE untilDisc is shown, press OK/MENU. If there is adisc in the media player then the disc startsplaying back automatically, otherwise Insertdisc is shown in the TV screen. Then insert adisc, with text side up. The disc starts to playback automatically.If a disc with audio/video files is inserted intothe player then the disc's folder structureneeds to be loaded. Depending on the qualityof the disc and the quantity of information theremay be a certain delay before playback starts.Disc ejectA disc remains in the ejected position forabout 12 seconds, after which it is insertedback into the player for safety reasons.PauseWhen the volume is reduced entirely or MUTEis pressed, the media player is paused. Whenthe volume is increased or MUTE is pressed1Only applies to High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.2Only applies to DVD discs.
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