V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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06 Infotainment system Radio06251Advanced settingsDAB to DAB linkDAB to DAB linking means that the DAB radiocan go from one channel with poor or no recep-tion to the same channel in another channelgroup with better reception. There may be acertain delay when changing channel group.There may be a period of silence between thecurrent channel no longer being available to thenew channel becoming available.The function can be activated/deactivated inDAB mode under DAB menuAdvancedsettingsDAB linking.WavelengthDAB can be transmitted on two6 wavelengths:•Band III - covers most areas.•LBand - available only in a few areas.By selecting for example Band III on its own,channel programming takes place morequickly than if both Band III and LBand havebeen selected. It is not certain that all channelgroups will be found. Wavelength selectiondoes not affect the stored memories.Wavelengths can be deactivated/activated inDAB mode under DAB menuAdvancedsettingsDAB band.SubchannelSecondary components are usually namedsubchannels. These are temporary and cancontain e.g. translations of the main pro-gramme into other languages.If one or more subchannels are broadcast thenthe symbol is shown to the left of the chan-nel name in the TV screen. A subchannel isindicated by the - symbol appearing to the leftof the channel name in the TV screen.Press to access the subchannels.Subchannels can only be accessed on theselected main channel and not on any otherchannel without selecting it.Display of subchannels can be deactivated/activated in DAB mode under DAB menuAdvanced settings Sub channelsProgramme type textSome radio stations broadcast informationabout programme type and programme cate-gory, for information on Programme types –PTY, see page 248. This information is shownon the TV screen.The function is activated/deactivated in DABmode under DAB menuAdvancedsettingsShow PTY text.Resetting the DAB settingsAll DAB settings can be reset to the originalfactory settings.–The reset is carried out in DAB mode underDAB menuAdvanced settingsReset all DAB settings .6Not all areas/countries use both wavelengths.
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