V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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IntroductionVolvo and the environment 12* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.the level of certain unhealthy gases such ascarbon monoxide then the air intake is closed.Such a situation may arise in heavy traffic,queues and tunnels for example.The entry of nitrous oxides, ground-level ozoneand hydrocarbons is prevented by the carbonfilter.InteriorThe interior of a Volvo is designed to be plea-sant and comfortable, even for people withcontact allergies and for asthma sufferers.Extreme attention has been given to choosingenvironmentally-compatible materials.Volvo workshops and the environmentRegular maintenance creates the conditionsfor a long service life and low fuel consumptionfor your car. In this way you contribute to acleaner environment. When Volvo's workshopsare entrusted with the service and mainte-nance of your car it becomes part of our sys-tem. Volvo makes clear demands regarding theway in which our workshops are designed inorder to prevent spills and discharges into theenvironment. Our workshop staff have theknowledge and the tools required to guaranteegood environmental care.Reducing environmental impactYou can easily help reduce environmentalimpact - here are a few tips:•Avoid letting the engine idle - switch off theengine when stationary for longer periods.Pay attention to local regulations.•Drive economically - think ahead.•Perform service and maintenance inaccordance with the owner's manual'sinstructions - follow the Service and War-ranty Booklet's recommended intervals.•If the car is equipped with an engine blockheater*, use it before starting from cold - itimproves starting capacity and reduceswear in cold weather and the engine rea-ches normal operating temperature morequickly, which lowers consumption andreduces emissions.•High speed increases consumption con-siderably due to increased wind resistance- a doubling of speed increases wind resis-tance 4 times.•Always dispose of environmentally hazar-dous waste, such as batteries and oils, inan environmentally safe manner. Consult aworkshop in the event of uncertainty abouthow this type of waste should be discarded- an authorised Volvo workshop is recom-mended.Following this advice can save money, theplanet's resources are saved, and the car'sdurability is extended. For more informationand further advice, see the pages 296 and396.RecyclingAs a part of Volvo's environmental work, it isimportant that the car is recycled in an envi-ronmentally sound manner. Almost all of thecar can be recycled. The last owner of the caris therefore requested to contact a dealer forreferral to a certified/approved recyclingfacility.The owner's manual and theenvironmentThe Forest Stewardship Councilµ symbolshows that the paper pulp in this publicationcomes from FSCµ certified forests or othercontrolled sources.
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