ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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❒ if you still cannot obtain a pressure of at least 1.8 bar within 5minutes from the compressor switching on, do not drive off andcontact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services;❒ after driving for about 10 minutes, stop and check the tyre pressureagain; remember to put the handbrake on;❒ if a pressure value of at least 1.8 bar is detected, restore the correctpressure (with the engine running and the handbrake engaged),resume driving and drive with great care to Alfa Romeo AuthorizedServices.Apply the adhesive label where it can be easily seenby the driver as a reminder that the tyre has beentreated with the quick repair kit. Drive carefully,particularly on bends. Do not exceed 80 km/h. Do not accelerateor brake suddenly.If the pressure has fallen below 1.8 bar, do not driveany further: the Fix&Go Automatic quick tyre repair kitcannot guarantee the correct hold because the tyre istoo damaged. Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.Inform the dealership that the tyre has been repairedusing the quick tyre repair kit. Give the leaflet to thetechnicians who will be handling the tyre that wasrepaired using the quick repair kit.fig. 137A0K0128152GETTING TO KNOWYOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN ANEMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX