シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Playlists can be changed by using the Sc (previous)andcT (next) folder buttons, the f knob, or the© SEEK ¨ arrows. MP3 CD-R or CD-RW that havebeen recorded without using file folders can be played. Ifa CD-R or CD-RW contains more than the maximumof 50 folders, 15 playlists, and 512 folders and files, theplayer allows access and navigates up to the maximum,but all items over the maximum are not accessible.Root DirectoryThe root directory of the CD-R or CD-RW is treated as afolder. If the root directory has compressed audio files,the directory displays as the CD label. All files containeddirectly under the root directory are accessed prior to anyroot directory folders. However, playlists (Px) are alwaysaccessed before root folders or files.If a disc contains both uncompressed CD audio (.CDA)and MP3 files, a folder under the root directory calledCD accesses all of the CD audio tracks on the disc.Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder exists somewhere in thefile structure that contains only folders/subfolders and nocompressed files directly beneath them, the playeradvances to the next folder in the file structurethat contains compressed audio files. The empty folderdoes not display.No FolderWhen the CD contains only compressed files, the filesare located under the root folder. The next and previousfolder function does not display on a CD that wasrecorded without folders or playlists.When the CD contains only playlists and compressedaudio files, but no folders, all files are located under theroot folder. The folder down and up buttons searchplaylists (Px) first and then goes to the root folder.Order of PlayTracks recorded to the CD-R or CD-RW are played inthe following order: Play begins from the first track in the first playlistand continues sequentially through all tracks ineach playlist. When the last track of the last playlisthas played, play continues from the first track ofthe first playlist. Play begins from the first track in the first folder andcontinues sequentially through all tracks in eachfolder. When the last track of the last folderhas played, play continues from the first track of thefirst folder.When play enters a new folder, the display does notautomatically show the new folder name unlessthe folder mode has been chosen as the default display.The new track name displays.3-106
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