シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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File System and NamingThe song name that displays is the song name that iscontained in the ID3 tag. If the song name is not presentin the ID3 tag, then the radio displays the file namewithout the extension (such as .mp3) as the track name.Track names longer than 32 characters or four pages areshortened. Parts of words on the last page of text and theextension of the filename does not display.Preprogrammed PlaylistsPreprogrammed playlists that were created usingWinAmp, MusicMatch, or Real Jukebox softwarecan be accessed, however, they cannot be edited usingthe radio. These playlists are treated as special folderscontaining compressed audio song files.Playing an MP3Insert a CD-R or CD-RW partway into the slot (SingleCD Player), or press the load button and wait forthe message to insert disc (Six-Disc CD Player), labelside up. The player pulls it in, and the CD-R or CD-RWshould begin playing.If the ignition or radio is turned off with a CD-R or CD-RWin the player it stays in the player. When the ignition orradio is turned on, the CD-R or CD-RW starts to playwhere it stopped, if it was the last selected audio source.As each new track starts to play, the track number andsong title displays.Z EJECT:Press this button to eject CD-R(s) orCD-RW(s). To eject the CD-R or CD-RW that is currentlyplaying, press and release this button. A beep soundsand Ejecting Disc displays. Once the disc is ejected,Remove Disc displays. The CD-R or CD-RW can beremoved. If the CD-R or CD-RW is not removed, afterseveral seconds, the CD-R or CD-RW automatically pullsback into the player and begins playing. For the Six-DiscCD player, press and hold this button for two seconds toeject all discs.f (Tune):Turn this knob to select MP3 files on theCD-R currently playing.© SEEK ¨ :Press the left SEEK arrow to go to thestart of the current MP3 file, if more than ten secondshave played. Press the right SEEK arrow to go tothe next MP3 file. If either SEEK arrow is held orpressed multiple times, the player continues movingbackward or forward through MP3 files on the CD.Sc (Previous Folder): Press the pushbuttonpositioned under the Folder label to go to the first trackin the previous folder.cT (Next Folder):Press the pushbutton positionedunder the Folder label to go to the first track in thenext folder.3-107
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