シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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5. If the fluid level is below the COLD check band, addonly enough fluid as necessary to bring the levelinto the COLD band. It does not take much fluid,generally less than one pint (0.5L). Do not overfill.6. Perform a hot check at the first opportunity afterthe transmission reaches a normal operatingtemperature between 160F to 200F (71C to 93C).7. If the fluid level is in the acceptable range, push thedipstick back in all the way, then flip the handledown to lock the dipstick in place.Hot Check ProcedureUse this procedure to check the transmission fluid levelwhen the transmission fluid temperature is between160F and 200F (71C and 93C).The hot check is the most accurate method to check thefluid level. The hot check should be performed at the firstopportunity in order to verify the cold check. The fluidlevel rises as fluid temperature increases, so it isimportant to ensure the transmission temperature iswithin range.1. Locate the transmissiondipstick at therear of the enginecompartment, on thepassenger side of thevehicle.SeeEngine Compartment Overview on page 5-14for more information.2. Flip the handle up, and then pull out the dipstickand wipe it with a clean rag or paper towel.3. Install the dipstick by pushing it back in all the way,wait three seconds, and then pull it back out again.4. Check both sides of the dipstick and read the lowerlevel. Repeat the check procedure to verify thereading.5-24
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