シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-48Exit LightingWith exit lighting, the interior lamps will come on whenyou remove the key from the ignition to help you seewhile exiting the vehicle. With the dome override buttonin the "out" position, these lights will stay on for a shortperiod of time and then will go out.Reading LampsPress the lens on the lamp located above the doors toturn the reading lamps on and off.Dome LampsThe dome lamps will come on when you open a door.You can also turn the dome lamps on by turning thethumbwheel, located next to the exterior lamps knob, allthe way up to the top detent position. In this position,the dome lamps will remain on until they are turned off.Battery Run-Down ProtectionThis feature shuts off the dome, courtesy, vanity,reading, glove box and underhood lamps if they are lefton for more than 20 minutes when the ignition is off.This will keep your battery from running down.If the battery run-down protection shuts off the interiorlamps, it may be necessary to do one of the following toreturn to normal operation:Shut off all lamps and close all doors, orturn the ignition key to RUN.This feature will also turn off the parking lamps andheadlamps under most circumstances, if they are left on.If you would like to turn them back on, turn the exteriorlamps knob on.
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