V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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03 Climate control Electronic climate control, ECC*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.99A symbol on the display above the climate con-trol panel and an illuminated light in the relevantbutton indicate which function has beenselected.Refer to the table on page 100.6. AC – On/Off (ON/OFF)ON: The air conditioning is on.It is controlled by the system'sAUTO function. This way,incoming air is cooled anddehumidified.OFF: OffWhen the defroster function is activated the airconditioning is automatically switched on (canbe switched off with the AC button).NOTEThe climate control system's demistingfunction with humidity sensor is significantlyreduced with the air conditioning in deacti-vated mode (OFF), as well as with manuallyselected air distribution and fan speed.7 and 8. Heated front seats*To activate front seat heating:Higher heat:–Press the button once – both lights illumi-nate.Lower heat:–Press the button once – one light illumi-nates.Heat off:–Press the button three times – light not illu-minated.9. Rear window and door mirrordefrostersHeating is used to quicklyremove misting and ice fromthe rear window and door mir-rors. Press the button once tostart simultaneous rear win-dow and rearview mirrordefrosting. The function isactive if one lamp is illuminated in the button.The function is switched off manually or auto-matically. Switch off manually with one presson the button. Automatic switching off discon-nects the rear window and door mirrors after12 – 20 minutes depending on outside tem-perature.During cold weather the defrosting* also con-tinues after 20 minutes in order to keep the rearwindow and door mirrors free of ice and mist.The intensity of the defrosting can be adaptedto the outside temperature. This function mustbe switched off manually.10. Temperature selectorThe temperatures on thedriver and passenger sidescan be set independently.Press the button once to acti-vate one side only. Pressagain to activate the otherside. Press the button a third time to activateboth sides.The active side is indicated by the button's lightand in the display above the climate controlpanel.When the car is started, the most recent settingis resumed.NOTEHeating or cooling cannot be hastened byselecting a higher or lower temperature thanthe actual desired temperature.
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