V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controlsIndicator and warning symbols 0252Functionality check, symbolsAll indicator and warning symbols1 illuminatewhen the remote control key is turned to posi-tion II before starting. This is to check that thesymbols are working. When the engine starts,all the symbols should go out except the park-ing brake symbol, which only goes out whenthe brake is disengaged.If the engine does not start withinfive seconds, all symbols extin-guish except the symbols for afault in the car's emissions systemand for low oil pressure. Certainsymbols may have no function,depending on the car's specifica-tions.Symbols in the centre of the instrumentpanelG030755The red warning symbol illumi-nates when a fault has been indi-cated which could affect the safetyand/or driveability of the car. Anexplanatory text is shown on theinformation display at the same time. The sym-bol remains visible until the fault has been rec-tified but the text message can be cleared withthe READ button, see page 56. The warningsymbol can also illuminate in conjunction withother symbols.When the symbol illuminates:1. Stop in a safe manner. Do not drive the carfurther.2. Read the information on the informationdisplay. Implement the action in accord-ance with the message in the display. Clearthe message using READ.The yellow information symbol illu-minates and a text appears on theinformation display. The messagetext is cleared using the READ but-ton, see page 56, or disappearsautomatically after a period of time (timedepending on which function is indicated).The yellow information symbol can also illumi-nate in conjunction with other symbols.NOTEWhen a service message is shown, the sym-bol and message are cleared using theREAD button, or disappear automaticallyafter a time.1For certain engine variants, the symbol for low oil pressure is not used. Warnings are given via display text, see page 56.
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