V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controls Indicator and warning symbols02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.53Indicator symbols – left-hand sideG029048Fault in car's emissions systemABS faultRear fog lampStability system DSTCNo functionEngine preheater (diesel)Low level in fuel tankEmissions systemIf the symbol illuminates then itmay be due to a fault in the car'semissions system. Volvo recom-mends that you seek assistancefrom an authorised Volvo work-shop for inspection.ABS faultIf this symbol illuminates then thesystem is not working. The car'sregular brake system continues towork, but without the ABS func-tion.1. Stop the car in a safe place and turn off theengine.2. Restart the engine.3. Drive to a workshop to have the ABS sys-tem checked if the symbol remains lit.Volvo recommends that you seek assis-tance from an authorised Volvo workshop.Rear fog lampThis symbol is lit when the rear foglamp is on.Stability system DSTC*For information on the system'sfunctions and symbols, seepage 171.Engine preheater (diesel)This symbol illuminates duringengine preheating. Preheatingoccurs when the temperature isbelow -2 °C. The car can be startedonce the symbol goes out.Low level in fuel tankWhen the symbol illuminates thelevel in the fuel tank is low, refuelas soon as possible.
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