V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controls Windows, rearview and door mirrors02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.79Door mirrorsThe controls for adjusting the two door mirrorsare at the front of the driver's door armrest. Therearview mirrors can be operated in key posi-tion I and II.1.Press the L button for the left-hand doormirror or the R button for the right-handdoor mirror. The light on the button illumi-nates.2. Adjust the position with the joystick in thecentre.3.Press the L or R button again. The lightgoes out.Retractable power door mirrors*The mirrors can be retracted for parking/drivingin narrow spaces. This can be carried out in keyposition I and II.Retracting the mirrors1.Press the L and R button at the same time.2. Release the buttons. The mirrors automat-ically stop in the fully retracted position.WARNINGThe door mirror on the driver's side is thewide-angled type to provide optimal vision.Objects may appear further away than theyactually are.Folding out the mirrors1.Press the L and R button at the same time.2. Release the buttons. The mirrors automat-ically stop in the fully extended position.Automatic retracting/extendingWhen the car is locked/unlocked with theremote control or using the Keyless-system,see page 130, the door mirrors are automati-cally retracted/extended.NOTEThe door mirrors will not be extended auto-matically during unlocking if they wereretracted using the controls in the door.If the car is locked with the remote controland is then started, the door mirrors will stillbe extended.The function can be activated/deactivatedunder Car settings…Mirror fold onlocking, see page 84 for a description of themenu system.Resetting to neutralMirrors that have been moved out of positionby an external force must be reset to the neutralposition for electric retracting and extending towork.1.Use the L and R buttons to retract the mir-rors.2.Extend the mirrors again with the L and Rbutton. The mirrors are now reset to theneutral.Home safe and approach lightingThe light* on the door mirrors illuminates whenthe approach lighting or home safe lighting isactivated.
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