V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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03 Climate controlGeneral information on climate control 0392Air conditioningThe climate control system cools or heats aswell as dehumidifies the air in the passengercompartment. The car is equipped with eithermanual (AC) or electronic climate control (ECC,Electronic Climate Control).NOTEThe air conditioning system can beswitched off, but to ensure the best possibleair in the passenger compartment and pre-vent the windows from misting, it shouldalways be on.Misting windowsRemove misting on the insides of the windowsby first using the defroster function.To reduce the risk of misting, clean the win-dows with a normal window cleaning agent.Ice and snowRemove ice and snow from the climate controlair intake (the grille between the bonnet and thewindscreen).Fault tracing and repairVolvo recommends that you only entrust faulttracing and repair of the climate control systemto an authorised Volvo workshop.RefrigerantThe air conditioning system contains R134arefrigerant. This refrigerant contains no chlo-rine, which means that it is harmless to theozone layer. The system must only be chargedwith R134a refrigerant, see also page 294.Volvo recommends that an authorised Volvoworkshop carries out this work.Passenger compartment filterAll air entering the car's passenger compart-ment is only cleaned with one filter. This mustbe replaced at regular intervals. Follow theVolvo Service Programme for the recom-mended replacement intervals. If the car isused in a severely contaminated environment,it may be necessary to replace the filter moreoften.NOTEThere are different types of passenger com-partment filter. Make sure that the correctfilter is fitted.DisplayThere is a display above the climate controlpanel. This displays climate control settings.Personal preferencesYou can set preferences for two climate controlfunctions:•Fan speed in AUTO mode (applies only tocars with ECC).•Recirculation timer for passenger com-partment air.For information about these settings, seepage 83.
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