V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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03 Climate controlElectronic climate control, ECC* 0398* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.3. RecirculationThe function is selected toshut out bad air, exhaustgases etc. from the passen-ger compartment. The air inthe passenger compartmentis recirculated, i.e. no outsideair is taken into the car whenthis function is activated. If the air in the carrecirculates for too long, there is a risk of mist-ing on the insides of the windows.TimerThe timer function reduces the risk of icing,misting and bad air (if recirculation is selected).To activate/deactivate the function seepage 83.NOTEWhen Defroster (4) is selected, recirculationis always deactivated.3. Air quality system*Same button as recirculation.The air quality system consists of a multi-filterand a sensor. The filter separates gases andparticles to reduce the levels of odours andpollution in the passenger compartment. Whenthe sensor detects polluted outside air, the airintakes are closed and the air in the passengercompartment is recirculated. A green light ( A)illuminates in the button when the air qualitysensor is active.Activating the air quality sensor:–Press AUTO (1) to activate the air qualitysensor (normal setting).Or:–Switch between three functions by press-ing repeatedly the recirculation button.•Air quality sensor engaged – the light ( A)illuminates.•No recirculation engaged, provided it is notrequired for cooling in hot weather – lightnot illuminated.•Recirculation engaged – the light ( M) illu-minates.Keep the following in mind:•As a rule, the air quality sensor shouldalways be engaged.•Recirculation is limited in cold weather toavoid misting.•The defroster functions for the front, sideand rear windows can be used to demistthe windows.4. DefrosterUsed to quickly remove mist-ing and ice from the wind-screen and side windows. Airflows to the windows at highfan speed. The light in thedefroster button illuminateswhen the function is active.The following also takes place when thedefroster function is activated in order to pro-vide maximum dehumidification in the passen-ger compartment:•the air conditioning (AC) is automaticallyswitched on (can be switched off with theAC button (6)•recirculation is automatically disengaged.When the defroster is switched off the climatecontrol returns to the previous settings.5. Air distributionThe airflow can be distributedto the windows, dashboardvents or floor by pressing theair distribution buttons.
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