V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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322page / 8.57MB
03 Climate controlAir distribution 03100Air distribution Use: Air distribution Use:Air to windows. Some airflows from the air vents. Theair is not recirculated. Airconditioning is alwaysengaged.to remove ice andmisting quickly.Air to the floor and windows.Some air flows from the dash-board air vents.to ensure comfortableconditions and gooddemisting in cold orhumid weather.Air to windscreen and sidewindows. Some air flowsfrom the air vents.to prevent mistingand icing in a cold andhumid climate. (Notfor low fan speed.)Air to floor and from dash-board air vents.in sunny weather withcool outside tempera-tures.Airflow to windows and fromdashboard air vents.to ensure good com-fort in warm, dryweather.Air to floor. Some air flows tothe dashboard air vents andwindows.to warm the feet.Airflow to the head andchest from the dashboardair vents.to ensure efficientcooling in warmweather.Airflow to windows, fromdashboard air vents and tothe floor.to provide cooler air forthe feet or warmer airto the upper body incold weather or hot,dry weather.
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