V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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03 Climate control Fuel-driven engine block heater and passenger compartment heater*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.101General information about heatersThe parking heater heats the engine and pas-senger compartment and can be starteddirectly or with the timer.Two different times can be selected using thetimer. Here, time refers to the time when the caris heated and ready. The car's electronic sys-tem calculates when heating should be startedbased on the outside temperature.At -10 °C or lower the maximum running timeof the parking heater is 50 minutes.WARNINGThe car must be outdoors when the petrolor diesel heater is used.NOTEWhen the parking heater is active there maybe smoke from underneath the car, which isperfectly normal.RefuellingWarning decal on fuel filler flap.WARNINGFuel which spills out could be ignited.Switch off the fuel-driven heater before star-ting to refuel.Check on the information display that theparking heater is switched off. When it isrunning, the information display showsPARK HEAT ON .Parking on a hillIf the car is parked on a steep hill, the front ofthe car should point downhill to ensure thatthere is a supply of fuel to the parking heater.Battery and fuelIf the battery has insufficient charge or the fuellevel is too low, the parking heater is switchedoff automatically and a message appears onthe information display.–Acknowledge the message by pressing theindicator stalk READ button once.IMPORTANTRepeated use of the parking heater com-bined with short journeys may discharge thebattery and impair starting.The car should be driven for the same timeas the heater is used to ensure that the car'sbattery is recharged adequately to replacethe energy consumed by the heater when itis used on a regular basis.
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