V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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03 Climate control Fuel-driven engine block heater and passenger compartment heater*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.103With the direct start of the heater it will be acti-vated for 50 minutes.Heating of the passenger compartment willbegin as soon as the engine coolant hasreached the correct temperature.NOTEThe car can be started and driven while theparking heater is running.Setting the timerThe time when the car shall be used and heatedis specified with the timer.Select between TIMER 1 and TIMER 2 .1.Scroll with the thumbwheel to PARKHEAT TIMER --:-- ON.2. Give a long press (approx. 2 seconds) onthe RESET button in order to access theflashing time setting.3. Select the required hour using the thumb-wheel.4.Briefly press RESET to move to the flash-ing minutes setting.5. Select the required minute using thethumbwheel.6.Briefly press RESET to confirm the setting.7.Press RESET to activate the timer.After setting TIMER 1 a second start time canbe programmed with TIMER 2 by scrolling withthe thumbwheel.Set the alternative time in the same way asTIMER 1 .Deactivating a timer-started heaterA timer-started heater can be switched offmanually before the set time has elapsed. Pro-ceed as follows:1.Press the READ button.2. Use the thumbwheel to scroll to the textPARK HEAT TIMER 1 or PARK HEATTIMER 2.The text ON flashes on the display.3.Press RESET.The text OFF is shown with a constantglow and the heater is switched OFF.A timer-started heater can be switched off inaccordance with the instructions in the section"Direct start and immediate stop".Clock/timerThe heater's time is connected to the car'sclock.NOTEAll timer programming will be cleared if thecar's clock is reset.
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