V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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04 Interior Front seats04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.109Memory functionG020200Buttons for memory function.Store setting1. Adjust seat.2.Press and hold button M while pressingbutton 1, 2 or 3 simultaneously.Using a stored settingPress one of the memory buttons 1–3 until theseat stops. If you release the button then themovement of the seat will stop.Emergency stopIf the seat accidentally begins to move, pressone of the setting buttons for the seat or mem-ory buttons in order to stop the seat.WARNINGRisk of crushing. Make sure that children donot play with the controls.Check that there are no objects in front of,behind or under the seat during adjustment.Ensure that none of the rear seat passen-gers is in danger of becoming trapped.Memory in remote control keyThe settings for the driver's seat are stored inthe memory for the remote control key withwhich the car is locked. When the car isunlocked with the same remote control key thedriver's seat adopts the stored settings whenthe driver's door is opened.NOTEThe remote control key memory is inde-pendent of seat memory.Tipping the front seat backrest*The passenger seat backrest can be foldedforward to make room for long loads.1. Move the seat as far back as possible.2. Adjust the backrest to an upright position90 degrees.3. Lift the catches on the rear of the backrestwhile folding it forwards.4. Push the seat forward so that the headrestraint "locks" in under the glovebox.
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