V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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05 Locks and alarmRemote control key with key blade 05128Unlocking doors with the key bladeIf central locking cannot be activated with theremote control key, e.g. if the batteries are dis-charged, then the driver's door can beunlocked and opened as follows:1. Insert the key blade in the driver's doorkeyhole.2. Turn the blade 45 degrees clockwise andopen the door.See also the figure and further information onpage 131.NOTEWhen the driver's door is unlocked using thekey blade and is opened, the alarm is trig-gered. It is switched off by inserting theremote control key in the ignition switch, seepage 139.Locking the gloveboxG020034The glovebox is locked.The glovebox can only be locked/unlockedusing the remote control key's detachable keyblade. (For information on the key blade, seepage 127.)Insert the key blade in the glovebox lock.Turn the key blade 90 degrees clockwise.The keyhole is horizontal in the lockedposition.Pull out the key blade.–Unlocking takes place in reverse order.NOTEThe remote control key cannot unlock theglovebox without the key blade.This function is particularly useful for whenthe car is left for service, at a hotel or similar.
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