V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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05 Locks and alarmKeyless drive* 05130* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Keyless lock and ignition systemG019451Keyless function rangeThe keyless drive system allows the car to beunlocked, driven and locked without the needfor a key. You simply need to have the remotecontrol key with you in a pocket or a bag.The system makes it easier and more conven-ient to open the car, for example with shoppingbags in one hand and a child in the other. Itsaves you having to take out or look for theremote control key.The two remote control keys incorporate thekeyless drive function. You can order addi-tional remote controls. The keyless drive sys-tem can handle up to six remote controls.Remote control key max. 1.5 m from thecarIn order to open a door or the tailgate, a remotecontrol key must be no more than approx.1.5 m from the car door handle or tailgate.This means that the person who wishes toopen a door must have the remote control keywith him or her. It is not possible to open a doorif the remote control key is on the other side ofthe car.The grey area in the illustration indicates therange covered by the system's antennas.If someone leaves the car and takes a keylessdrive remote control key with them, a warningmessage appears on the information displayand a reminder signal sounds. The warningmessage disappears when the remote controlkey is brought back to the car or when the igni-tion dial is turned to position 0. The warning isonly issued if the ignition dial is in position I orII after someone has opened and closed adoor.The warning message and reminder signal dis-appear when the remote control key is broughtback to the car after one of the followingactions:•a door has been opened and closed•the ignition dial has been turned to position0•the READ button has been pressed.Never leave any remote control key in thecarIf a remote control key with keyless drive func-tion is left in the car, it is made passive whenthe car is locked. This prevents unauthorisedentry.If someone breaks into the car and finds theremote control key, it can be activated andused again. It is therefore important to handleall remote control keys with equal care.Interference to remote control keyfunctionElectromagnetic fields and screening can inter-fere with the keyless drive system.NOTEDo not place/store the remote control keynear a mobile phone or metal object - nocloser than 10-15 cm.If interference is experienced nonetheless, usethe remote control key and key blade in thenormal way, see page 126.
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