V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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05 Locks and alarm Keyless drive*05* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.131LockingG020033Cars with the keyless system have a button on theoutside door handles.When the remote control key is within the rangecovered by the system's antennas, the doorsand the tailgate are locked as follows:–Push in the lock button on one of the doorhandles.All doors must be closed before the lock buttonis pushed in. Otherwise they will not lock.When the car is locked, the lock buttons on theinside of the doors retract.NOTEOn cars with the keyless drive system andautomatic transmission the gear selectormust be moved to the P position and theignition dial turned to the 0 position. Other-wise the car cannot be locked or alarmed.UnlockingWhen the remote control key is within the rangecovered by the system's antennas:1. Open the doors by pulling the relevant han-dle.2. Open the tailgate by pressing under thetailgate opening button and lift the tailgate.If for some reason the keyless drive function inthe remote control key is not operating, the carcan be unlocked using the remote control keyfunctions, see page 126.Power seat – remote control key withmemory functionIf several people with keyless drive remotecontrol keys get into the car, then the driver'sseat will be adjusted for the person who opensthe door first.Unlocking doors with the key bladeG020225If central locking cannot be activated with theremote control key, e.g. if the batteries are dis-charged, then the driver's door can be openedas follows:1. To access the keyhole: Carefully prize outthe plastic cover in the handle by insertingthe key blade in the hole on the bottom ofthe cover.2. Unlock the door using the key blade.
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