V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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05 Locks and alarmKeyless drive* 05132* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.NOTEWhen the driver's door is unlocked using thekey blade and is opened, the alarm is trig-gered. It is switched off by inserting theremote control key in the ignition switch, seepage 139.Antenna locationG020074The keyless system has a number of integratedantennae located around the car:Rear bumper, inside centreDoor handle, left-hand rearCargo area, central and furthest in underthe floorDoor handle, right-hand rearCentre console, under the rear sectionCentre console, under the front sectionWARNINGPeople with pacemaker operations shouldnot come closer than 22 cm to the keylesssystem's antennae with their pacemaker.This is to prevent interference between thepacemaker and the keyless system.Personal preferencesThe Keyless Drive system can have personalpreferences applied, see page 84.
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