V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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06 Starting and driving Starting the engine06155I – Radio positionSteering lock deactivated.Certain functions can beused. The engine's electricalsystem is not activated.II – Driving positionThe remote control key'sposition when driving. Thewhole electrical system isengaged.III – Start positionThe starter motor is activated.The remote control key isreleased when the engine hasstarted and then springs backto drive position.A ticking sound can be heardif the key reaches an intermediate position - inwhich case, turn the key to position II and backto get rid of the sound.When the steering lock is activatedIf the front wheels are positioned so that thereis tension in the steering lock then the infor-mation display may show a warning messageand the car cannot be started. In which case,proceed as follows:1. Remove the remote control key from theignition switch and turn the steering wheelso that the tension is released.2. Hold the steering wheel in this position.Reinsert the key and make a new attemptto start the car.WARNINGNever remove the remote control key fromthe ignition switch while driving or when thecar is being towed. The steering lock wouldbe activated, making it impossible to steerthe car.WARNINGAlways remove the remote control key fromthe ignition switch when leaving the car,especially if there are children in the car.Remote control keys and electronicimmobiliserThe remote control key must not hang withother keys or metal objects on the same keyring. The electronic immobiliser could be acti-vated accidentally.
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