V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingDRIVe Start-Stop* 06166* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Function and operationOn/Off button and display text AUTO START-STOP ON.The Start/Stop system is activated automati-cally when the engine is started with the key.The driver is made aware of this function bymeans of the On/Off button's green lamp beingilluminated.NOTEAfter starting with the key and each auto-stop the car must first reach 5 km/h beforethe automatic Start/Stop function is re-acti-vated - following which certain conditionsmust also be fulfilled, refer to these underthe heading "The engine does not auto-stop".All of the car's normal systems such as lighting,radio, etc. work as normal even with an auto-stopped engine, except that some equipmentmay have its function temporarily reduced, e.g.the climate control system's fan speed orextremely high volume on the audio system.Auto-stopping the engineIn order for the engine to stop automatically thecar must be stationary - however, theStart/Stop function does accept slow rolling,the equivalent to normal walking pace:•Set the gear lever in neutral position andrelease the clutch pedal - the engine stopsautomatically.The display text ENGINE INAUTO START, and the but-ton's illuminated green lamp,reminds - and indicates - thatthe engine has been auto-stopped.Auto-starting the engineWith the gear lever in neutral position:•Depress the clutch pedal - the enginestarts automatically.or•Depress the accelerator pedal - the enginestarts automatically.On a downhill gradient there is also the optionto start the engine automatically as follows:•Release the foot brake and allow the car tomove off - the engine starts automaticallywhen the speed exceeds normal walkingpace.After starting the engine:•Engage a suitable gear and continue thejourney.Gear indicatorAn essential detail in connection with environ-mental driving is to drive in the right gear andto change gear in time.The driver is assisted by anindicator which notifies thedriver when it is most advan-tageous to engage the nexthigher or lower gear - GSI(Gear Shift Indicator).
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