V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and driving DRIVe Start-Stop*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.167Indication is made with an up or down arrow inthe combined instrument panel's lower dis-play.Deactivating the Start/Stop functionThe information display shows here that the Start/Stop function has been disengaged.In certain situations, it mayadvisable to temporarilyswitch off the automaticStart/Stop function - this iscarried out by pressing thisbutton once, at which pointthe button's lamp goes out.Disengaged Start/Stop function is indicated bya message appearing on the information dis-play for about 5 seconds.The Start/Stop function is disengaged until it isreactivated with the button or until the nexttime the engine is started with the key.LimitationsThe engine does not auto-stopEven if the Start/Stop function is activated, theengine does not auto-stop if:•the driver has opened the seatbelt'sbuckle.•the car has not stopped completely.•the car has been reversed and reverse gearis disengaged.•the engine does not have normal operatingtemperature.•outside temperature is below freezingpoint or above approx. 30 °C.•the environment in the passenger com-partment differs from the preset values -indicated by the ventilation fan running ata high speed.•the capacity of the battery is below theminimum permissible level.•battery temperature is below freezing pointor above approx. 55 °C.The engine auto-starts without driverinterventionAn auto-stopped engine may restart in somecases without the driver having decided thatthe journey should continue. In the followingcases the engine auto-starts even if the driverhas not depressed the clutch pedal in order toengage a gear:•The driver's seatbelt buckle is opened.•Misting forms on the windows.•The outside temperature is below freezingpoint or above approx. 30 °C.•There is a temporarily high current take-offor battery capacity has dropped below thelowest permissible level.•The car starts to roll - faster than the equiv-alent normal walking pace.•Repeated pumping of the brake pedal.WARNINGDo not open the bonnet when the enginehas stopped automatically - the engine maysuddenly start automatically. In order toavoid starting automatically with raisedbonnet:•Engage a gear and apply the parkingbrake.The engine does not auto-startIn the following cases the engine does notauto-start after having auto-stopped:•The driver's seatbelt buckle has beenopened - a display text prompts the driverto start the engine normally.•A gear is engaged without declutching - adisplay text prompts the driver to set the
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