V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingDRIVe Start-Stop* 06168* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.gear lever in neutral position in order toenable auto-start.Involuntary engine stopIn the event that a start-up fails and the enginestops, proceed as follows:1. Depress the clutch pedal again - the enginestarts automatically after the gear lever hasbeen set in neutral position. Prior to this theinformation display showed the text PUTGEAR IN NEUTRAL TO START.Text messageIn combination with this indicatorlamp the Start/Stop function maydisplay text messages on the infor-mation display for certain situa-tions. A recommended actionshould be performed for some of them. Thefollowing table shows some examples.MessageAUTO START-STOP ONIlluminates forabout 5 secondsafter Start/Stop hasbeen activated.AUTO START-STOP OFFIlluminates forabout 5 secondsafter Start/Stop hasbeen switched off.MessageTURN KEY TOSTARTThe engine will notauto-startA - per-form a normal startusing the key.PUT GEAR INNEUTRAL TOSTARTSet the gear lever inneutral positionB.DEPRESSCLUTCH PEDALTO STARTThe engine is readyto auto-start - wait-ing for declutching.AUTO START-STOP SERVICEREQUIREDStart/Stop functiondisengaged. A work-shop should be con-tacted.AOccurs if the seatbelt is unbuckled after the engine has auto-stopped, for example.BOccurs if a gear is engaged without declutching after theengine has auto-stopped.If a message does not go out after performingan action a workshop should be contacted - anauthorised Volvo workshop is recommended,which also applies in the event of the need forany other form of technical assistance.
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