V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and driving Towing and recovery06179IMPORTANTAvoid towing.•However, the car can be towed for ashort distance at low speed to move itfrom a dangerous position - not furtherthan 10 km and not faster than10 km/h. Note that the car must alwaysbe towed with the wheels rolling for-ward.•In the event of moving a longer distancethan 10 km, the car must be transportedwith the drive wheels raised from theroad - professional recovery is recom-mended.Prior to towing:–Move the gear selector to position N andrelease the parking brake.Towing eyeThe towing eye is screwed into a threadedsocket behind a cover on the right-hand sideof the bumper, front or rear.Fitting the towing eyeTake out the towing eye (1) that is locatedunder the floor hatch in the cargo area.The cover for the towing eye's attachmentpoint is available in two variants whichmust be opened in different ways:•Open the variant with a recess using acoin or similar inserted in the recess,turning it outwards. Then turn out thecover completely and remove it.•The second variant has a marking alongone side or in a corner: Press the mark-ing with a finger and fold out the oppo-site side/corner at the same time usinga coin or similar - the cover turns aroundits axis and can then be removed.Screw the towing eye right in up to itsflange. Turn in the towing eye firmly e.g.using the wheel wrench.After use, unscrew the towing eye andreturn it to its place.Finish by refitting the cover onto thebumper.IMPORTANTThe towing eye is only designed for towingon roads - not for pulling the car unstuck orout of a ditch. Call a recovery service forrecovery assistance.NOTEOn certain cars with fitted towbar the towingeye cannot be secured in the rear mounting.In which case, secure the tow rope in thetowbar.For this reason it is advisable to store thetowbar's towball in the car, see page 184.
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