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07 Wheels and tyres General07195The reason for this is that tyres age and decom-pose, even if they are hardly ever or never used.The function can therefore be affected due tothe tyre's constituent materials being brokendown. In such a case the tyre should then notbe used. This also applies to spare tyres, wintertyres and tyres saved for future use. Examplesof external signs which indicate that the tyre isunsuitable for use are cracks or discoloration.The age of the tyre can be determined by theDOT marking, see previous illustration.More even wear and maintenanceThe correct tyre pressure results in more evenwear, see page 198. Driving style, tyre pres-sure, climate and road condition affect howquickly your tyres age and wear. To avoid dif-ferences in tread depth and to prevent wearpatterns arising, the front and rear wheels canbe switched with each other. A suitable dis-tance for the first change is approx. 5000 kmand then at 10 000 km intervals. Volvo recom-mends that you contact an authorised Volvoworkshop for checking if you are uncertainabout tread depth. If significant differences inwear (>1 mm difference in tread depth)between tyres have already occurred, the leastworn tyres must always be placed on the rear.Understeer is normally easier to correct thanoversteer, and leads to the car continuing for-wards in a straight line rather than having therear end skidding to one side, resulting in pos-sible complete loss of control over the car. Thisis why it is important for the rear wheels neverto lose grip before the front wheels.Wheels should be stored lying down or hangingup, and not standing up.Tyres with tread wear indicatorsG020323Tread wear indicators.Tread wear indicators are narrow treadlessbands across the width of the tread. On theside of the tyre are the letters TWI (Tread WearIndicator). When the tyre's tread depth is downto 1.6 mm, the tread depth will be level in heightwith the tread wear indicators. Change to newtyres as soon as possible. Remember thattyres with little tread depth provide very poorgrip in rain and snow.Winter tyresVolvo recommends winter tyres with specificwinter tyre dimensions. Tyre dimensions aredependent on engine variant. When driving onwinter tyres, they must be fitted to all fourwheels.NOTEVolvo recommends that you consult a Volvodealer about which wheel rim and tyre typesare most suitable.Studded tyresStudded winter tyres should be run in gently for500-1000 km, so that the studs settle properlyinto the tyres. This gives the tyre, and espe-cially the studs, a longer service life.NOTEThe legal provisions for the use of studdedtyres vary from country to country.Tread depthRoad conditions with ice, slush and low tem-peratures place considerably higher demandson tyres than summer conditions. It is therefore
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