V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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07 Wheels and tyresGeneral 07196recommended not to drive on winter tyres thathave a tread depth of less than 4 mm.Snow chainsSnow chains may only be used on the frontwheels. This also applies to all-wheel-drivecars.Never drive faster than 50 km/h with snowchains. Avoid driving on bare ground as thiswears out both the snow chains and tyres.WARNINGUse Volvo genuine snow chains or equiva-lent chains designed for the car model, andtyre and rim dimensions. In the event ofuncertainty Volvo recommends that youconsult an authorised Volvo workshop. Thewrong snow chains may cause seriousdamage to your car and lead to an accident.Rims and wheel nutsOnly use wheel rims that are tested andapproved by Volvo and which are included inthe Volvo genuine accessories range.Standard wheel nuts.Bulge acorn wheel nuts.There are two types of wheel nut, dependingon whether the wheel rims are made of steel oraluminium.1. Tighten the wheel nuts of model (1) to 110Nm. Tighten the wheel nuts of model (2) to130 Nm.2. Check the torque with a torque wrench.IMPORTANTThe wheel nuts (1) should be tightened to110 Nm and (2) to 130 Nm respectively.Overtightening can damage the nuts andthe bolts.Steel rims – standard wheel nuts (1)Steel rims are normally mounted with thestandard wheel nuts, but the bulge acorn vari-ety may also be used.WARNINGNever use standard nuts for aluminium rims.The wheel could come loose.Aluminium rims – bulge acorn wheel nuts(2)Only use the bulge acorn variety of nuts withaluminium rims.NOTEThese nuts may also be used with steel rims.Locking wheel nutsLocking wheel nuts can be used on both alu-minium and steel rims. If steel rims with lockingwheel nuts are used in combination with wheelcovers, the locking wheel nut should be moun-
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