V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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07 Wheels and tyres Changing wheels07* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.201Removing wheelsG020331Set up the warning triangle if a wheel must bechanged at a busy location. Make sure that thecar and jack are on a firm horizontal surface.WARNINGCheck that the jack is not damaged, that thethreads are thoroughly lubricated and that itis free from dirt.NOTEVolvo recommends only using the jack* thatbelongs to the car model in question, whichis indicated on the jack's label.The label also indicates the jack's maximumlift capacity at a specified minimum liftingheight.1. Take out the spare wheel*, jack* and wheelwrench* that are located under the carpetin the cargo area. If another jack isselected, see page 219.2. Apply the parking brake and engagereverse gear, or position P if the car has anautomatic gearbox.3. Place chocks in front of and behind thewheels which will remain on the ground.Use heavy wooden blocks or large stones.4. Cars with steel rims have removable wheelcovers. Prize off the wheel cover with theend of the wheel wrench, or pull it off byhand.5. Loosen the wheel nuts ½-1 turn anticlock-wise with the wheel wrench.G020332Telescopic wheel wrench.WARNINGNever position anything between theground and the jack, nor between the jackand the car's jacking point.6. There are two jacking points on each sideof the car. There is a recess in the plasticcover at each point. Crank the foot of thejack down so it is pressed squarely on theground. Check that the jack is seated cor-rectly in the intended jacking point, as illus-trated, and that the base is located directlyunder it.
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