V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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01 SafetyAirbags 0120Airbag systemG020111SRS system, left-hand driveThe system consists of airbags and sensors. Asufficiently violent collision trips the sensorsand the airbag(s) are inflated with hot gas. Tocushion the impact, the airbag deflates whencompressed. When this occurs, smokeescapes into the car. This is completely nor-mal. The entire process, including inflation anddeflation of the airbag, takes place withintenths of a second.WARNINGVolvo recommends that you contact anauthorised Volvo workshop for repair.Defective work in the airbag system couldcause malfunction and result in serious per-sonal injury.G020110SRS system, right-hand driveNOTEThe sensors react differently depending onthe course of the collision and whether ornot the seatbelts on the driver's side andpassenger side are used.It is therefore possible that only one (ornone) of the airbags may inflate in a colli-sion. The airbag system senses the force ofthe collision on the car and adapts accord-ingly so that one or more airbags isdeployed.The capacities of the airbags are also adap-ted to the collision force to which they aresubjected.
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