V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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08 Car careCleaning 08210Washing the carWash the car as soon as it becomes dirty. Usecar shampoo. Dirt and road salt can lead tocorrosion.•Do not park the car in direct sunlight.Washing a car with hot paintwork cancause permanent paintwork damage.Wash the car in a car wash with wastewater separator.•Hose down the underbody thoroughly.•Wash using a sponge, car shampoo andplenty of lukewarm water.•If the dirt is difficult to dislodge, wash thecar using a cold degreasing agent.•Dry the car using a clean, soft chamois ora water scraper.WARNINGAlways have the engine cleaned by a work-shop. There is a risk of fire if the engine ishot.IMPORTANTDirty headlamps have impaired functional-ity. Clean them regularly, when refuelling forexample.NOTEOutside lighting such as headlamps, foglamps and rear lamps may temporarily havecondensation on the inside of the lens. Thisis a natural phenomenon, all outside lightingis designed to withstand this. Condensationis normally vented out of the lamp when ithas been switched on for a time.Cleaning the wiper bladesAsphalt, dust and salt residue on wiper blades,as well as insects, ice etc. on the windscreen,impair the service life of wiper blades.NOTEWash the wiper blades and windscreen reg-ularly with lukewarm soap solution or carshampoo.Do not use any strong solvents.Removing bird droppingsWash away bird droppings from the paintworkas soon as possible. Bird droppings containchemicals that affect and discolour paintworkvery quickly. This discoloration can only beremoved by a specialist.Chromed wheelsIMPORTANTRim cleaning agents can cause stains onchrome-plated wheels. Wash using asponge, car shampoo and plenty of luke-warm water.Automatic car washesAn automatic car wash is a simple and quickway of washing the car, but it can never replacea proper handwashing. The brushes of an auto-matic car wash cannot reach everywhere.IMPORTANTWashing by hand is gentler to the paintworkthan an automatic car wash. Paintwork isalso more sensitive when it is new. For thisreason, handwashing is recommended dur-ing the first few months with a new car.High-pressure washingWhen using high-pressure washing, usesweeping movements and make sure that thenozzle does not come closer than 30 cm to thesurface of the car (the distance applies to allexterior parts).
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