V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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08 Car careCleaning 08212Cleaning the interiorOnly use cleaning agents and car care prod-ucts recommended by Volvo. Clean regularlyand follow the instructions included with thecar care product.Vacuuming is important prior to using cleaningagents.Carpets and cargo areaRemove inlaid carpets for separate cleaning ofthe floor carpet and the inlaid carpets. Use avacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt.Each inlay mat is secured with pins.–Take hold of the inlay mat at each pin andlift the mat straight up.Fit the inlay mat in place by pressing it in ateach pin.WARNINGBefore setting off check that the inlaid matin the driver area is firmly affixed andsecured in the pins in order to avoid gettingcaught adjacent to and under the pedals.A special textile cleaner is recommended forstains on the floor mat after vacuuming. Floormats should be cleaned with agents recom-mended by your Volvo dealer!Treatment of stains on textile upholsteryand headlinerA special fabric cleaning agent, available fromauthorised Volvo dealers, is recommended toavoid impairing the fire retardant qualities ofthe upholstery.IMPORTANTSharp objects and Velcro may damage thefabric upholstery.Treating stains on leather upholsteryVolvo's leather upholstery is chromium-freeand is treated to preserve its original appear-ance.Leather upholstery ages and acquires a beau-tiful patina over time. The leather is refined andprocessed so that it retains its natural charac-teristics. It is given a protective coating, butregular cleaning is required in order to maintainboth characteristics and appearance. Volvooffers a comprehensive product for the clean-ing and treatment of leather upholstery which,when used in accordance with the instructions,preserves the leather's protective coating.After a period of use the natural appearance ofthe leather will nevertheless emerge, depend-ing more or less on the surface texture of theleather. This is a natural maturing of the leatherand shows that it is a natural product.To achieve best results Volvo recommendscleaning and the application of protectivecream once to four times per year (or more ifnecessary). The Volvo Leather Care kit is avail-able from your Volvo dealer.IMPORTANT•Certain items of coloured clothing (forexample, jeans and suede garments)may stain the upholstery.•Never use strong solvents. Such prod-ucts may damage fabric, vinyl andleather upholstery.Washing instructions for leatherupholstery1. Pour the leather cleaner on the dampenedsponge and squeeze out a strong foam.2. Work the dirt away with gentle circularmovements.3. Dab accurately with the sponge on thestains. Allow the sponge to absorb thestain. Do not rub.4. Wipe off with soft paper or a cloth andallow the leather to dry completely.
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